Monday, April 27, 2009

Playing Catch up...

Life is so busy...most days I am trying to keep my head above water with working from home, laundry, kids, and everything we do on a regular basis! I find that at the end of the day I wonder what I have accomplished...usually nothing of note; the same mail has been on the counter for two days...the chip crumbs from Heath's lunch still on the couch covered in boys still wanting me to play trucks and hunting since they have been asking since 9am. Where is the balance? Where do you find the time? Just a question thrown out in the air...

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Put first things first and try not to worry about all the other stuff. It is hard! Your kids are only little once, but laundry will wait FOREVER!!! Enjoy each day with your boys...that's what it is about!! You're doing a great job! Love ya!