Caleb is finally here! He was born on March 12th at 11:27am after only 5 hours of labor! Contractions started at about 6:30 that morning so I told Heath we needed to go to the hospital instead of him going to his work meeting in Twin Falls that was to last for two days. Typical Heather, I went around the house doing some last minute cleaning and straightening; showering, fixing my hair...so we didn't get to the hospital until 10am. By that time I was dialated to a 7 and there was no way an epidural would have time to work. I got an "interthecal" shot of some kind which may have taken some of the edge of the non-stop contractions but I received very little relief. I am glad that Caleb came as quickly as he did because I was in so much pain I don't think I could have made it much longer without losing my sanity! My doctor was so great and so was Heath...I only told him to quit talking once! Caleb is such a sweet little boy. He weighed in at 7lbs. 8oz. and was 20 1/2 inches long...absolutely perfect! Cooper loves him to death and Carson is a little indifferent...typical Carson. I love my three boys so much...so glad that Caleb is finally here!
Congratulations!!!! So nice not to be prego anymore huh??? Let the recovery, and sleep deprevation begin.
Caleb is a cute name. 3 boys I can't imagine!
He is cute! All that dark hair! Good job, Heather & Heath!
What a cutie! Thanks for not calling back ;) J/K! I can't wait to meet him in June when we come out. That is awesome that you did go so quick - 5 hours, wow! I also love the name Caleb. When I told Parker that he had a new cousin after I talked to you when you were in the hospital, he told me that he didn't want to go to Dallas (where we were going to for Spring Break) and that he wanted to go to Idaho to see his new cousin. I hope for a quick recovery for you!
Yeay!!! I am so happy for you Heather. He sure is a cute little guy, you lucky duck. Congrats!
It is about time! I have been waiting to see pictures. Glad it went fast for you since you had no epidural-bummer!!
yay im glad he is finally here!!! he is perfect just like your other boys!!! cant wait to see more of you guys this summer!!!
He's a keeper! Did your other boys have that much hair? Super cute name too!
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